Louise Bourgeois 🕸 🕷

Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois – María Isabel Sánchez Vegara et Helena Perez Garcia

Éditeur: Kimane

Louise Bourgeois – Découvre ici comment la petite Louise, très jeune orpheline de sa chère maman, se servit de la sculpture pour apaiser ses peurs. Elle devint ainsi une artiste majeure, qui influença nombre d’artistes contemporains et reste un repère pour ceux de demain.

Louise Bourgeois – Biographie de l’auteur:

Isabel Sanchez Vegara vit en Espagne. Elle aime offrir aux enfants des livres qui leur permettent d’apprendre de façon créative et qui les ouvrent à la culture dans toute sa richesse.

Biographie de l’auteur:

Helena Perez Garcia is a Spanish illustrator whose work has appeared across magazines, newspapers, packaging and books for children and adults internationally.

Her illustrations are conceptual, whimsical and rich in detail and colour. Helena’s primary medium is gouache and her main sources of inspiration are art, literature, and cinema.

After completing a Fine Arts Degree in Spain, Helena relocated to London in 2012, where she lived and worked for 6 years.

During this period and driven by the artistic history and cultural influences of the city and the country, Helena developed her characteristic style.

She relocated to Madrid in 2018, where she is currently based.

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